Conditions I Can Help

Here is the following list of conditions and impairments that I treat. Related to your condition, my help would involve relieving pain, stress and/or stiffness to help improve your mobility, performance and power. Although it is close, this is not a fully comprehensive list. Please reach out to sara@releaseology.com or call/text 480-712-0699 if you want to know if/how Sara can help your specific condition.
Non-Specific Area
Autoimmune Disorders
Breathing (Diaphragm Release)
Cerebral Palsy
Digestive Disorders
Gut Issues
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle Weakness
Pain (new and old)
Parkinson's Disease
Phantom Limb Pain
Poor Posture
Scar Tissue
Sleep Disorders
Spasms & Spasticity
Spinal Cord Injury
...and more!
Here is the following list of conditions and impairments that I treat. Related to your condition, my help would involve relieving pain, stress and/or stiffness to help improve your mobility, performance and power. Although it is close, this is not a fully comprehensive list. Please reach out to sara@releaseology.com or call/text 480-712-0699 if you want to know if/how Sara can help your specific condition.
Head & Neck
Brain Injury
Degenerative Disc Disease
Eye Pain
Facial Pain
Forward Head Posture
Neck Instability
Sinus Pain and/or Pressure
Spinal Stenosis
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Hand & Fingers
DeQuervain's Syndrome
Dupuytren's Contracture
Finger Grinding
Grip Strength
Hand & Finger Arthritis
Hand & Finger Impingement
Hand & Finger Injuries
Hand & Finger Instability
Hand & Finger Osteoarthritis
Hand & Finger Pain
Hand & Finger Popping/Clicking
Hand & Finger Stiffness
Hand & Finger Tightness
Hand & Finger Weakness
Phantom Limb Pain
Trigger Finger​
Femoraoacetabular Impingement
Hip Arthritis
Hip Fracture
Hip Impingement
Hip Injuries
Hip Instability
Hip Osteoarthritis
Hip Pain
Hip Popping/Clicking
Hip Replacement
Hip Spasms
Hip Subluxation
Hip Stiffness & Tightness
Hip Weakness
IT Band Pain/Syndrome
Labral Tear
Nerve Injuries
Phantom Limb Pain
Adhesive Capsulitis
Biceps Tendonitis
Frozen Shoulder
Labrum Tear
Nerve Injuries
Phantom Limb Pain
Rotator Cuff Sprain or Strain
Shoulder Arthritis
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Osteoarthritis
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Popping/Clicking
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder Spasms
Shoulder Stiffness & Tightness
Shoulder Subluxation
Shoulder Weakness
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Degenerative Disc Disease
Back Arthritis
Back Grinding
Back Impingement
Back Instability
Back Osteoarthritis
Back Popping/Clicking
Back Stiffness & Tightness
Back Weakness
Degenerative Disc Disease
Herniated Disc
Poor Posture
Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Stenosis
SI Joint Dysfunction
Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia)
Knee Arthritis
Knee Injuries
ACL Injury​
MCL Injury
LCL Injury
PCL Injury
Knee Instability
Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee Pain
Knee or Patella Fracture
Knee Popping/Clicking
Knee Replacement
Knee Stiffness & Tightness
Knee Weakness
Meniscus Tear
Nerve Injuries
Patella Fractures
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Phantom Limb Pain
Elbow Arthritis
Elbow Impingement
Elbow Instability
Elbow Osteoarthritis
Elbow Popping/Clicking
Elbow Stiffness & Tightness
Elbow Weakness
Nerve Injuries
Phantom Limb Pain
Grip Strength
Phantom Limb Pain
Wrist Arthritis
Wrist Grinding
Wrist Impingement
Wrist Injuries
Wrist Instability
Wrist Osteoarthritis
Wrist Pain
Wrist Popping/Clicking
Wrist Stiffness & Tightness
Wrist Weakness
Core, Abdomen
Breast Tenderness
Core Instability
Core Stiffness & Tightness
Core Weakness
Gut Issues
Poor Posture
Ankle & Foot
Ankle & Foot Arthritis
Ankle & Foot Fracture
Ankle & Foot Injuries
Ankle & Foot Instability
Ankle & Foot Osteoarthritis
Ankle & Foot Popping/Clicking
​Ankle & Foot Replacement
Ankle Sprains
Ankle & Foot Stiffness
Ankle & Foot Tightness
Ankle & Foot Weakness
Nerve Injuries
Phantom Limb Pain
Shin Splints
My Blog

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Please Note: Some links on my site are affiliate links, which means that I collect a small portion of your sale, at no extra cost to you. This helps with the cost of running a website, providing services, etc.